The gallery exhibitions weave connections—between people, neighborhoods, and communities. Beyond being a platform for artists to display and sell their work, the galleries at Perkins Center for the Arts offer a tranquil environment for art appreciation, a space to navigate emotions, foster connections, reflect on the evolving social landscape, and simply be entertained.

Past Exhibitions

Current Exhibtions

Current Exhibitions

Future Exhibitions

Future Exhibitions

Submit and Exhibit

Submit And Exhibit

Our Galleries

Perkins Center for the Arts’ Collingswood & Moorestown galleries offer the opportunity for international, national, regional and local artists, both professional and emerging, to exhibit their work. Five open call exhibitions are offered to the public each year and requests for solo and group shows fill the remaining exhibition dates. Receptions are held in Collingswood on the second Saturday and in Moorestown on the third Saturday every other month.

Perkins Center for the Arts offers a series of art exhibitions at both locations in Moorestown and Collingswood, NJ.

Collingswood Gallery Hours During Exhibitions

  • Monday – Friday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Saturday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Moorestown Gallery Hours During Exhibitions

  • Monday through Friday 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
  • Saturday 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM

The galleries are also open by appointment. Please call 856.235.6488 for details.

Occasionally extended gallery hours are offered for exhibitions, please review the exhibition schedule for further details.

Become an Exhibiting Artist

If you’re an artist eager to showcase your work, reach out to Sharon Kiefer via email at skiefer@perkinscenter.org.