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Perkins Center for the Arts has suffered a terrible loss.

The beloved painting of Perkins Center for the Arts, commissioned by Dudley Perkins himself, the builder and original owner of the Perkins Center when this gorgeous building was simply a home, HAS BEEN STOLEN.

Channel your inner Sherlock…

Follow the Clues

Solve the Puzzles


The tragedy occurs on the night of an artists’ reception and causes the Director to place the building and grounds under full lockdown until the mystery is solved. All of the evening’s attendees have motives…

Can you trace the steps of the thief and solve clues to determine the perpetrator of…

The Pilfered Painting?!?!


Saturday, February 25th, 2016


$15/person  |  Ages 13-18

Prizes and Light Refreshments


Which Character is the Thief?!?

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Phoebe the Photographer

Pablo the Painter

Penelope the Pianist

Vivian the Violinist

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Daisy the Dancer

Dirk the Drummer

Sonny the Sculptor

Peter the Potter

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Charlotte the Chef

Beau the Butler

Maxine the Maid

Nicky G. the Night Guard


Pilfered Painting in the News!

Courier-Post Pilfered Painting Article

Moorestown Sun- Pilfered Painting Article


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