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Entry Foyer, Philadelphia Civic Auditorium, 2005

Entry Foyer, Philadelphia Civic Auditorium, 2005

Photographs & History
Explore the role social and industrial history play in his work which includes his ongoing project, From the Mainline: a contemporary survey of the former Pennsylvania Railroad and the influence of the industrial age on the American landscape. 


Join photographer and educator Michael Froio to explore the role social and industrial history play in his work which includes his ongoing project, From the Mainline a contemporary survey of the former Pennsylvania Railroad. Michael’s work draws inspiration from visual media of a historical nature to inform and inspire contemporary works on subjects centered around the influence of the industrial age on the American landscape.

Through exploring both building and place within the American landscape, Michael’s work reveals an era where industry, wealth and power impacted the land. His work examines the remarkable architecture and engineering projects for the good of the people as well as the remains of a post-industrialized nation in the back lots, wooded areas and small towns throughout the Northeast region. Represented here are three major projects: The Watershed Series is some of the earliest works, exploring the impact of man on the diverse landscape of the Delaware River Watershed. The Relic series highlights prominent historic buildings in the Philadelphia region that served the public for many years and have either been lost, restored or repurposed. Finally the ongoing project From the Mainline examines the former Pennsylvania Railroad, once the largest railroad in the world. Highlighting its massive infrastructure and groundbreaking engineering accomplishments the project also considers the historic landscape it travels through.

Bluffs on Crosswicks Creek, Bordertown, New Jersey, 2004

Bluffs on Crosswicks Creek, Bordertown, New Jersey, 2004

Powelton Avenue Yards and 30th Street Station, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2009

Powelton Avenue Yards and 30th Street Station, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2009

Michael works at Drexel University in Philadelphia where he is an associate professor and facilities manager for the Photography Program, part of the Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts and Design. He has received several grants and fellowships including a two-year Career Development Fellowship and Alumni Travel Grant with the Center for Emerging Visual Artists as well as a 2009 Individual Artist Fellowship from the New Jersey Council on the Arts. Michael has published articles with the National Railway Historical Society and presented lectures for the Center for Railroad Photography and Art, The Library Company of Philadelphia and various Chapters of the National Railway Historical Society.


Admission is free and attendees are encouraged to bring their lunch to the event.
Perkins Center for the Arts, Moorestown
Click to learn more about the Lunch & Learn Series.
Lunch & Learn is another act of Social Artworking brought to you by PNC Arts Alive. 

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