Tyrese “Bright Flower” Gould Jacinto, of Bridgeton, New Jersey, is a member of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Indian Tribe. She is the daughter of the late Phyllis “Red Deer” and Chief Mark “Quiet Hawk” Gould. Her parents were among a core group that initiated the modern-day structure of the ancient tribe. This allowed her to be immersed in tribal life as a child and to begin understanding the value of arts and traditions from an early age.
Tyrese is a talented artist engaged in a variety of traditional Lenape arts – beadwork, basket weaving, wampum belts, shellwork, leatherwork, pine needle, and gourd arts – “I am inspired to create from the gifts of Mother Earth. I feel as though I have the gift to create as it speaks to me. The creation of my Lenape art is from the heart and mindset that forms from deep within”
See Indigenous Fiber in My Art Bridging The Past to the Present at the Perkins location in Collingswood from July 5th to Aug 21st. Attend the free and open-to-the-public artists’ reception on Saturday, july 8 & Saturday, August 19 with light refreshments and live music.