The Importance of Individual Giving
by Kahra Buss
Individual commitment is essential for Perkins to fulfill its mission and amplify the arts as a social determinant of health.
Investing in the Arts is an investment in the health and well-being of our communities. Following intensive studies that began in 2014 researching the relationship between arts engagement and health and well-being, a series of reports were published that examined the importance of arts engagement as a positive and preventative action that improved: mental & physical health; social well-being; resilience; academic performance; cognitive health and overall created healthier individuals and communities (Americans for the Arts, “Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6)“). This is what individual donations support at Perkins programs that reach every member of our community and access to arts engagement 6 days/week for 50 weeks of the year.
In an era of unpredictable economic shifts, the importance of individual gifts to nonprofit organizations has never been more crucial. As funding from government sources and corporate donations continue to shift and be uncertain, the steady support of individual donors serves as a lifeline, providing nonprofits with the flexibility to meet immediate needs and long-term goals. Individual gifts not only fill the gaps in funding but also signal a community’s commitment to the mission and values of an organization.
Individual, personal contributions empower nonprofits to sustain critical programs, innovate novel solutions, and respond to emerging challenges—whether it is a sudden disaster, a shift in local needs, or adapting to changing economic climates. With an economy in flux, individual donations create financial stability and resilience, allowing nonprofits to plan with confidence and extend their impact to those who need it most.
Each gift, no matter the size, holds the power to transform lives and make a tangible difference in the community. By investing in Perkins, you directly invest in a larger movement that supports the health and well-being of our communities. The Arts foster hope, support justice, and champion community building. Joining in collective purpose is the backbone of any successful nonprofit, ensuring its health and longevity in times of uncertainty.
In a rapidly changing world, your support can be the catalyst for a brighter, more equitable future. By contributing to Perkins Center for the Arts, you not only give financial backing, but you also become a beacon of possibility as Perkins collaborates with community partners to support hope, healing, and opportunity.